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Journal article puts the spotlight on research on tobacco use among our clients
Aug 13th, 2018

CMHA Ottawa is pleased to announce that the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal has published an article highlighting our research on tobacco use among our clients, authored by our Director of Clinical Services, Dr. Donna Pettey in collaboration with Dr. Tim Aubrey, Professor, School of Psychology, uOttawa.

CMHA Ottawa celebrates International Self-Care Day
Jul 24th, 2018

CMHA Ottawa joins people and organizations around the globe in celebrating International Self-Care Day on July 24, which aims to raise public awareness of the importance of self-care to stay healthy and prevent or delay illness.

Thousands of Ontarians send a strong message to erase the difference
Jun 27th, 2018

More than 12,500 Ontarians raised their voices during the recent provincial election campaign to let political candidates know that its time to #erasethedifference and fund mental health and addictions care the same as physical health care. In addition to garnering signatures, the Erase the Difference campaign created significant social media impact, reaching more than 1.5 million people. This exposure, in part, encouraged the three main political parties to make funding for mental health and addictions a key issue during the election.

National Indigenous Peoples Day – Open Letter from the Canadian Mental Health Association
Jun 26th, 2018

June 21 of every year marks an opportunity in Canada to recognize the contributions that First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Peoples have made to Canada. And these contributions continue to be significant and increasing across all sectors and aspects of our national identity and history.

Celebrity suicide deaths – preventing “contagion”
Jun 12th, 2018

In our culture, we are mostly silent about suicide. But when celebrities die by suicide – as Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain did last week, the issue becomes front-page news. Anyone who has lost a loved one to suicide can attest to its utter devastation.

Cast your vote on June 7th for mental health and addictions care
Jun 4th, 2018

Election Day in Ontario is fast approaching which means now is a crucial time to ensure that mental health and addictions care remains a core ballot box issue.

CMHA celebrates Pride
Jun 1st, 2018

CMHA Ottawa joins individuals and organizations worldwide to celebrate the history, courage and diversity of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer identified (LGBTQ) individuals for Pride Month in June.

Ontarians deserve a place to call home
May 29th, 2018

Individuals with serious mental health and addictions conditions frequently identify housing as one of the most important factors in achieving and maintaining their health. However, for many, maintaining safe and affordable housing can be difficult.

“Erase the Difference” campaign reaches 10,000 signatures
May 14th, 2018

Sign the petition. It’s official – 10,000 Ontarians agree – mental health & addictions care should be a priority for all candidates in the upcoming provincial election.

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