Substance use and harm reduction resources

Substance use resources and supports
- ConnexOntario provides free and confidential health services information for people experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs, mental illness and/or gambling.
- Montfort Renaissance Service Access to Recovery (SAR) is a starting point for people 16 years and older who are concerned about their substance use and mental health and want to understand and discuss treatment options.
- Formerly known as the Ottawa Addictions Access and Referral Services (OAARS).
- Breaking Free Online (BFO) is an online tool (website/app) that is designed to empower those looking to make changes to their substance use and become healthier through lifestyle changes, alerting users of risky situations, meditations and tools to guide them. This support is free. Use access code CAPSA2020 to sign up.
- Upstream Ottawa Mental Health Community Support: The Substance Abuse Program for African Canadian Caribbean Youth (SAPACCY) SAPACCY provides culturally safe and affirming anti-oppressive, anti-racist, and trauma-informed mental health and substance use services to Black youth ages 12-29 and their families. Visitors have the option of self-booking their own 45-minute assessment session with a clinician. Phone and email options are also present.
- SMART Recovery SMART Recovery is the leading, evidence-informed approach to overcoming addictive behaviors and leading a balanced life. SMART is stigma-free and emphasizes self-empowerment.
- Ottawa Withdrawal Management Centre The Ottawa Withdrawal Management Centre provides an area with six beds for women completely separated from an area with 20 beds for men. The beds are meant for those who want to withdraw from substances in a safe and structured environment with 24/7 monitoring and support from counsellors. Counsellors offer help during the acute stages of intoxication, withdrawal and crisis. Treatment and discharge planning are provided in cooperation with the Service Access to Recovery (SAR), located on site at Montfort Renaissance.
- Amethyst Women’s Addiction Centre: Day counselling services for substance use and problem gambling in Ottawa.
- Sobriety House: Drug and alcohol recovery rehabilitation centre for men located in Ottawa.
- The National Overdose Response Service (NORS) is a national phone-based overdose prevention service to support Canadians and countless Indigenous communities. The service works by clients calling 1-888-688-NORS (6677). A caller is then connected to a virtual overdose supervisor who will monitor them for 15-30 min after they use. During the call, if there is a concern of overdose, such as the client becoming non-responsive, the supervisor will connect with local 911 dispatch service.