Schedule a free same-day or next-day phone or video counselling session with Counselling Connect
Nov 18, 2020
Counselling Connect provides free access to a same-day or next-day phone or video counselling session.
This service is for children, youth, adults and families in Ottawa and the surrounding area. There is no waiting list.
Before the pandemic, people received free same-day counselling services mainly through community walk-in services. Due to COVID-19, in-office counselling is not possible. But, all our services are open. Caring teams want to help. And, there is a critical need for quick and easy access to counselling. With planning and development support from the Ottawa Health Team-Équipe Santé Ottawa, community-based mental health and addiction counselling providers like CMHA Ottawa responded.
We have all made our same-day or next-day counselling services available through Counselling Connect. Children, youth, adults and families can now easily book a phone or video appointment with the service that is right for them.
Visit today.