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Give the gift of mental health this holiday season

Although anxiety, depression, and loneliness may occur anytime during the year, the stress of the holidays can amplify these feelings. For those coping with mental health issues, the holidays can be a daunting, overwhelming challenge every year.


Although anxiety, depression, and loneliness may occur anytime during the year, the stress of the holidays can amplify these feelings. For those coping with mental health issues, the holidays can be a daunting, overwhelming challenge every year. That’s why CMHA Ottawa offers support and information to people affected by mental health issues – no no one needs to feel alone in their struggle.

CMHA Ottawa works daily to promote mental health, recovery and resilience in the community, but we can’t do it alone. You can support CMHA Ottawa this holiday season by making a donation. Your gift will help CMHA Ottawa assist people experiencing mental health issues, including their families and caregivers, to access information and support as soon as they need it.

During this season of giving, you’ll be making a meaningful gift to many people across Ottawa who will cope with a mental health issue in the coming year. Please donate today. https://www.canadahelps.org/dn/4839

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