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Think Outside the Box

New mental health resource encourages ‘out of the box’ thinking

June 15, 2016

Many people know some way to accommodate an individual living with a physical disability. But would they know how to accommodate someone living with a mental health disability?

Think Outside the Box is a one-of-a-kind, free online resource designed to help employers, businesses, human resources professionals, landlords, the service industry, and anyone else looking to learn more about mental health accessibility and disability accommodation.

Created by CMHA Ontario, Think Outside the Box offers real-life stories of individuals living with a mental health disability and how schools, employers and government have accommodated them.

The resource also offers nine tips that can positively impact both the person with the disability and the organization that serves or employs them. Click on each link to learn more:

1) Focus on the person, not the disability

2) Challenge your own thinking

3) Protect confidentiality

4) Be flexible as needs vary

5) Identify and remove socio-economic barriers

6) Find effective ways to communicate

7) Welcome mental health service animals

8) Welcome support persons

9) Partner with individuals with mental health disabilities or organizations that support them

For more information on mental health accessibility, visit thinkoutsidethebox.cmha.ca.

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