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Mental Health Works seeks abstracts for presentations at 2020 conference

Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Ontario Division and Mental Health Works are calling on workplace mental health experts to submit abstracts for presentations at their 2020 workplace conference, IMPACT: A vision of change for mental health in the workplace, set for June 1-2 in Toronto.

Mental Health Works – a national social enterprise led by CMHA Ontario – will host this two-day event that will highlight best practices and provide participants with skills to take back to their organizations.

Mental Health Works is looking for participatory, ground-breaking sessions that explore the impact people and organizations are having on mental health and well-being in the workplace. Abstracts should be no longer than 200 words and outline the type of workshop that will be given.

The following areas are being considered for abstract submissions: first responders and allied health professionals; employee impact; employer impact; and the workforce and workplace of tomorrow.

Download the abstract flyer for full information about abstract submission.

Workshops should be 60-90 minutes in length. The conference will also accept research posters on the above topics for display in the main hall.

Please submit your abstract here or email Sherry Sim, Event Manager, Innovative Business Solutions at [email protected]. Submissions close March 1, 2020.

Mental Health Works offers workshops, presentations and webinars to help companies create a healthier, safer workplace. Visit www.mentalhealthworks.ca for more information.

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