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Andrew’s Story — CMHA Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge

“I’ve accomplished a lot, but it wasn’t an easy road.”

Andrew’s recovery journey began in 2004 when he approached CMHA HKPR in Peterborough, Ontario, in search of supports for mental health, housing and budgeting. He had been struggling to secure housing due to anxiety, substance use, financial issues and a learning disability.

Andrew found his own apartment and had made great strides until life threw him a curveball. His landlord sold his apartment and he found himself without a home, once again. Andrew began couch surfing and found himself struggling with substance use again. This time however, he knew where he could turn for support.

It wasn’t long before Andrew sought the help of the Four County Addictions Services (ACAST) Team and got back on his feet. And he didn’t stop there. Since then, Andrew has been actively participating in CMHA groups, learning about mindfulness, emotional intelligence, assertiveness and more.

In 2016, Andrew’s determination earned him the CMHA’s Achievement Through Adversity Award.

Andrew’s story is just one of the many community stories we are highlighting in honour of #CMHA100, a national celebration of 100 years of community mental health in Canada. To learn more, or to find resources near you, visit https://cmha.ca/find-your-cmha.

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